NxNW party goers
Cherlyn Conway
The neighbors on Osprey, Brant Way, Cinnamon, and Willet closed out 2022 with a variety of events.
October and November found the neighbors in the 10-2 section coming together to keep the kids of all ages in Denton County warm by donating coats to the RR Motorcycle Club Coats 4 Kids Ride. This is an annual event for NxNW, and the neighborhood collected 37 coats for this year’s ride. As this story is being written, the temperatures have fallen into single digits, so it’s a good feeling to know there are children in this bitter cold who get to stay warm, and parents are able to spend what money they might have on a Christmas present for their child.
December found the neighborhood with the annual cookie exchange and many new recipes added to the NxNW digital cookbook. Our postal carrier is the biggest benefactor of the special confection treats. We had a Charcuterie Board class just in time for the many holiday parties in the neighborhood.
Our annual December sock and gift exchange party was held on the 13th. Everyone brings a heavy appetizer, and our hostess makes all the sweet goodies. And what a variety to choose from—and all so yummy. The gift exchange begins with lots of oohs and aahs, then the stealing of gifts starts. We might need to call in Robson Patrol for next year’s party to keep the peace, as it didn’t matter how well you tried to hide your treasure—there was always some thievery going on. The secret judging was going on as well, and prizes were awarded for the best holiday socks. As the neighbors and friends went home with not only the gift they were able to secure but a great night of fun and fellowship, they also went home with a beautiful ornament made by our hostess.
NxNW’s big event for 2022 was the annual holiday party held at the clubhouse ballroom on Dec. 6. The evening was filled with food, cocktails, dessert, door prizes, line dancing (line dancing lessons were held in a neighbor’s garage prior to the party in preparation for the line dancing during the DJ’s breaks), and dancing with our own Robson Ranch fitness trainer Wally Sagui as the DJ.
In honor of one of our neighbor’s birthday, Wally called all the folks out who have attended his classes or trained with him and had them do pushups as the crowd sang the “Happy Birthday to You” song. Evidently this is done during boot camp. We had eight folks doing pushups in their holiday garb, so the night was complete with a little bit of everything. Most likely a first for everyone attending to have a workout while dressed in your holiday attire?
NxNW is settling in for a short winter’s nap and will soon be planning events and fun times for 2023. So, until then, Happy New Year, and see you around the Ranch!