NxNW—Five Years and Going Strong … Bunco for 40?

NxNW neighbors at the first Co-Ed Bunco Game Night

Cherlyn Conway

Over five years ago, more than 70 homes started filling up on Osprey, Brant, Cinnamon, and Willet, otherwise known as Section 10-2. As new Robsonites started to move in, the first occupants to the neighborhood had the vision of becoming neighbors and friends with all those who were soon to follow. Hence, NxNW was established, and the ladies’ monthly whine chat began.

Currently, the neighborhood is still going strong, even when a house sells and the new neighbors are welcomed to our section of Robson Ranch and the area we call home and NxNW.

The recent escapades included dancing the night away with tables of NxNWers at the recent dances. Then you have the 4th of July viewing party where you could find neighbors on Robson Boulevard at 6:30 a.m. staking out our territory with the NxNW flag for the perfect viewing location.

The 4th of July gathering was in true form for NxNW. Ask the many parade participants who went by the NxNW area and were amazed at our tailgating with golf carts and tables that held unprecedented food and beverage. We even shared our feast with some of the parade participants as they went by. We might have to rethink our strategy for next year, though. We don’t want to hold up the parade line again. Oops!

Aug. 5, the most recent fun for more than 40, was a neighborhood Co-Ed Bunco Game Night. Our hosts Amy and Rondi Perry on Willet Way said they heard a voice saying, “Get out dice and set up tables, and they will come.” As the neighbors started to migrate to the Perrys’ house, there were many of us trying to figure out how this could possibly work. Anyone who has played bunco knows that sometimes it can be like herding cats to get folks to move when they should and to the correct table.

With 10 tables scattered around the house and even down the hall to the owners’ suite, everyone found a table and seat. The game was reviewed for all the first-time Bunco Studs and Babes. It was addressed several times to look at the instructions on each table as to when you move and to where. Though this writer never got to the tables in the owners’ suite, it seemed like an unwritten rule that what happened in the owners’ suite stayed in the owners’ suite. Those who got to move from the owners’ suite tables to the living room were very tight lipped as to what was going on back there. Maybe they were having flashbacks from childhood that they graduated from sitting at the kids’ table at a family gathering. Due to the success of this game night, no doubt there could be future neighborhood bunco in NxNW.

The ladies of NxNW meet every month and have more fun planned for the next four months to close out 2023. Until the next update, see you around the Ranch!