Jamie Snell
Erminja Maganja, Garden Club Publicity Chair
Letha Straub, Garden Club Yard of the Month chair, selected the colorful yard of Jamie and Kim Snell at 12209 Glenbrook to receive this honorary award for October 2022.
The Snells are recent transplants from the panhandle of Oklahoma, having built their Robson Ranch home about two years ago. Jamie is a retired florist and, along with husband Kim, wanted lush, showy, colorful beds filled with flowers. Their goal was to have year-round color, with red and yellow foliage in the fall, evergreen plants providing winter interest, springtime splendor with redbuds bursting in pink, and flowering plants to provide a steady stream of color throughout the summer and fall.
Jamie discussed her goal with Jose Rincon of Landscape Wizard and credits him for making her vision come alive. The Snells’ yard is chock-full of a variety of flowering perennials and annuals, along with anchor shrubs and trees that provide a sturdy backdrop to their bright and vibrant yard. They have achieved a rainbow of colors, with the cheery yellow of Texas lantana, happy patches of hot pink and deep red annuals, dotted with purple and lavender perennials.
The Snells have incorporated bedding plants, including hibiscus (her favorite), azaleas, roses, dianthus, vinca, and gaura. Having a larger lot, they have also planted several large trees and shrubs, including spiral-sculptured spartan juniper, red oak, lacebark elm, magnolia, redbuds, kaleidoscope abelia, a stand of purple Loropetalum (also known as Chinese Fringe Flower shrub), yucca, and many wintergreen boxwoods. Interspersed throughout the yard are a variety of flowing variegated grasses, drift rose, Texas sage, and liriope, making for a soft, natural look. A gently curving walkway invites visitors to the backyard where they are greeted by containers spilling over with plants bursting with color.
Please stop by to see Jamie and Kim’s home to admire their work and congratulate them on their achievement. You can also take a peek over the back fence, on the 6th hole of the West course.
If you have a candidate or other suggestions for Yard of the Month, please contact Letha Straub at 580-490-1500 or [email protected].
For general information about the Garden Club, contact Erminja at [email protected] or 916-804-5551.