All aboard for fun-filled travel with Road Runners
Pat Thompson
It’s that time of year again; time to renew your membership to Robson Ranch Road Runners. No, we aren’t a running club or an RV club; we are a travel club. This is the club to join if you love to travel to interesting and exciting places with your Robson friends. We offer group travel with a variety of options from 10-night cruises (or more) to day trips locally. On most cruises members receive a rebate from the cruise line.
Some of the upcoming trips include a 14-day cruise to South America; a three-day Red River Mardi Gras Bash in Shreveport, Louisiana; a 10-night Caribbean cruise from Ft. Lauderdale; a three-day trip to Oklahoma City; a seven-day tour of Jekyll Island, Savannah and Charleston; a 10-night Alaskan cruise/land tour; the Albuquerque Balloon Festival and lots more. Paid members are added to our data base and will receive advance notice by email of opportunities to sign up for trips. Our website is http://rrrrclub.com/ where you can get more information on upcoming trips, download a membership application, ask questions of the board or make comments. Your club welcomes suggestions for future trips you would like to see planned.
All residents of Robson Ranch are welcome to join us. It’s easy, just pick up a membership application in the kiosk at the clubhouse or download one from our Robson Ranch Roadrunner website www.rrrrclub.com. Membership dues are $5 per person for the year, and you must be a current member to travel with us. Fill out the membership form, attach your check and deliver both to our Director of Membership, Pat Thompson. Her address is on the form. Don’t miss out on any of the fun; renew no later than January 31, 2017.