Road Runners saddle up to stock show and rodeo

Robson “Cowboy” on his bucking bronco

Vicki Baker Yeehaw! The Road Runners kicked up their boots at the legendary Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo on January 29. This pure Texas extravaganza, located at the Will Rogers Memorial Center, offered a unique atmosphere rich in western tradition and a chance to see some real cowboys. The rodeo may be the main…

Ooh-la-la, a Paris party

Vicki Baker Dreaming of the most romantic city in the world? Traveling to Paris may be out of the question, but we can certainly bring the City of Lights to you. Robson Ranch Dance Club brings this beautiful city right to your doorstep and makes you feel like you’ve arrived in France, if only for…

Women’s Club Social Mixer

Robson Ranch Women’s Club Social Mixer will be held on March 16, 2016 from 3:00-5:00 p.m. Bring your neighbors, bring your friends! You don’t have to be a member of the Women’s Club to attend. There will be door prizes and we’ll discover little known facts about these ladies. Come and meet your new board…

The Whine-O’s Wine Club

The new wine club met in the home of Tom and Pam Kanawyer on Wednesday, February 10, to determine what we would like to do. We decided we would like to meet monthly with half the group bringing wine and the other half bringing hors d’oeuvres. The meetings will be in alphabetical order of the…

Jewish Friendship Group news

Shalom all What a nice Valentine’s Sunday we had at the Jewish Friendship Group meeting in February. We had over 20 people in attendance who brought wonderful Jewish foods along with salads as they ate and had wonderful conversations. B. Bender has invited everyone to her home for a Passover Seder on March 24 to…

Fit Farewell to Frogs and Friends

Left to right, front row: Melba Beckham, Ruth Klein, Lynda Harris, Phyllis Olson, Bernadette Fideli and Olive Morton; back row: Kathy Marrou, Marguerite Rose, Marcia Wolf, Linda Webb, Mary Jane Browne, Claudette Carey, Sandy Shepard and Martha Fagin

“Good morning, everyone! Let’s burn some calories!” For 14 long years Lynda Harris greeted Robson residents arriving for water aerobics with this cheerful saying. On January 29 Lynda had to eat these words as she was served a cake decorated with the saying: Good Morning! Let’s Eat Some Calories! The occasion was a luncheon celebrating…