Robson Ranch resident Tom Pryor had an “aha” moment in 2013 when he asked a grandson a question. “Do you remember what we gave you for your birthday last year?” His grandson looked to heaven hoping for the answer. Tom bailed the grandson out by asking, “Do you remember where we took you last year?”…
Features, July 2015
Emeritus College classes impetus for a book
Features, July 2015
Spotlight on Advertiser: Reinventing yourself in retirement
Retirement offers people a great opportunity to start something new. In addition, life expectancy trends indicate that an increasing number of baby boomers should be prepared for a long life in retirement. While this is good news, it also creates a few things to think about. Financial resources may need to extend for a retirement…
Generals, July 2015
We are ready for your club to join MyGrove!
MyGrove is a free, private and secure website and mobile application that will allow leaders and members of Robson Ranch clubs and activity groups to plan, organize and communicate with one another. MyGrove will deliver news, information and updates about all of your activity groups and hobbies in one simple, easy to use place. Within…
Front Page, July 2015
Oh yes, it’s Ladies’ Night and the feeling’s right…
Sing it with me! Oh yes, it’s ladies’ night, and the feeling’s right. Oh yes, it’s ladies’ night. Oh, what a night? The Robson Ranch Woodworkers Club has designated Monday nights as Ladies’ Night at the woodshop. Woodworking may seem like a hobby for men, but we can tell you, it’s not! We have approximately…
Clubs & Classes, July 2015
Breakfast at Wimbledon
Edward Barnett The Robson Ranch Tennis Club met for their Breakfast at Wimbledon tennis mixer on June 20. Twenty hearty players turned out for the event in the warm North Texas weather. Twenty players meant that there were no byes during the six rounds of play, so all players were on the court for the…
Clubs & Classes, June 2015
The Happy Potters have been busy this spring
Jennifer Hill and Peggy Villagomez The Happy Potters having been busy this spring and enjoying classes taught by advanced potters in the club. An extruder class and a dipping class were held and taught by JoAnn Hanes and Gary Triebsch. The extruder technique enables the potter to create different shapes and sizes of objects. The…