Fourth Annual Community Easter Egg Hunt

Cynthia Drury Bring your grandchildren, great-grandchildren, nieces, nephews, etc., ages 12 and under for Fellowship At The Ranch’s Fourth Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 30. Get ready for a fun time searching for candy-filled Easter eggs. Each child will receive an Easter bag to put their eggs in. The Easter Egg Hunt will…

Tennis Club Looking Forward to a Fun Year on the Courts

Ralph Berry Spring tennis is in full swing at Robson Ranch, with social events planned and drop-in tennis every week. The Robson Ranch Tennis Club annual meeting was held on Feb. 8 where members learned about planned court improvements, upcoming social events, and updated drop-in and scheduled tennis play. Annual membership in the Tennis Club…

Jewish Friendship Group: Let’s Get Together

Stan Brein The Jewish Friendship Group (JFG) met this past month once again after a year-long hiatus. It is always great to have an opportunity to socialize with folks with whom you have a common heritage. Recent world events make the opportunity to meet and dialogue all the more important. Members were surveyed prior to…

Rock & Roll Martini Group Rocks Eric Clapton

Dave Parker The February house band (host) for the Rock & Roll Martini Group was Nancy and Jimmy Burns. Jimmy (best known for being the greatest chef in the Navy during his active-duty days) and Nancy chose Eric Clapton as the featured artist for the evening. Eric Clapton is one of the greatest English rock…

What an Adventure!

Charles Gray, an employee at Robson Ranch, was the featured speaker at the monthly meeting of the Voices United club in February. He talked about his family’s history serving in the military and aviation. His comments reinforced the importance of generational service to the military in our country. The Pentagon estimates 80% of the current…