
Ed Jones Oh, how exciting it was to see the first candle lit celebrating Advent and the coming of Christmas. Today, in many Christian denominations, it is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for both the celebration of the Nativity of Christ at Christmas and the return of Christ at the Second Coming. Traditionally,…

Welcome New Neighbors

Robson Ranch welcomes the following new homeowners to the Ranch: Martin and Debra Aggus, Scott and Sylvia Barlow, Bryan and Annette Bravard, Hanna Davey, Robert and Cynthia Dude, Glenn Foster, John and Cristi Ganyard, Donna Graeber, James and Tracey Hart, Randall Kelley, Tom and Cindy Kilkenny, Corey and Miriam Klessig, Josephine Konvicka, Mark and Julie…

Tower Renovation

Dennis Brooks The tower is being clad in stone to match the entry bridge and gate structures. According to my drone, it is between 30 and 35 feet tall. The drone measures height above take-off pad, not height above ground, so this is a relative measure.

Rockin’ Red Ranchers Made Scent-sational Gifts

Celia Hall Our November event at Buff City Soap in Highland Village was a scent-filled experience! We explored the store and their variety of scented soaps, oils, and other products, but had a hard time deciding which were our individual favorites. We learned about the handmaking process and then experienced the magic firsthand by mixing bowls…

Looking for the Perfect Valentine Gift?

Two years ago, Women Sharing Hope held a wildly popular event called “Are You Prepared to Be Left Behind?” for 300 Robson Ranch residents. We’ve been asked to host another updated presentation, which will be on Friday, Feb. 16, 2024, at 1 p.m. in the clubhouse ballroom. Do you and your spouse each know where…