Drone Club News

The January Drone Club general session was held on Jan. 22 in Room 104 in the Creative Arts and Technology Center at 7 p.m. We had a good group of attendees who interacted during our general meeting session. The meeting topic was “Drone Christmas Magic at Robson 2023.” We heard more regarding “Capturing the Christmas…

The Inspiration Band was Electrifying!

Penny Manzo The first Dance Club event of 2024 was a blast! The temps may have been chilly outside, but inside the clubhouse was red hot on the dance floor. As promised, on Jan. 19 The Inspiration Band was far more than inspiring. This incredibly talented group of musicians and singers delivered non-stop dance music…

Robson Ranch Health Fair March 23

The annual Robson Ranch Health Fair will be held on Saturday, March 23, in the clubhouse during the hours of 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. It’s a great opportunity to get some questions answered or find that medical professional you might have been looking for in the area! If you are interested in a booth,…