Juliet Club

Pat Garrett Recently, the Juliet ladies had a luncheon at Saltgrass Steak House in Denton. A fun time was had by all women who attended. Watch for the announcement in the HOA email for the December luncheon. Come and enjoy visiting, talking, and laughing with friends.

Robson Ranch Republican Club News

Ralph Malaker The November meeting of the Robson Ranch Republican Club began with a quick business meeting prior to the usual start of the evening program. The main program honored all veterans just before Veterans Day, whether or not they had any association with the Republican Club or Republican Party. We considered it our privilege…

Democracy in Action

David Holmes Relaxing in the extended social hour, Lavelle and LeRoy shared their stories from the season. After working in many ways to support the democratic process in the just-concluded elections of 2024, members of the RR Democratic Club gathered in the lounge for our November meeting. Many of our members were poll workers to…

Photo Club News

Steve Simpson The Robson Ranch Photo Club general session meeting was held on Nov. 18 in the CATC in Room 104. Board member Dick Remski’s presentation was “Visiting Australia and New Zealand by Cruise Ship.” Dick showed images from three Australian ports, one in Tasmania, and then covered several ports on the south and east…

Woodworkers Shop Maintenance

Lorraine Wilson Once a month, a unique transformation takes place in the woodshop. For two days, the usual hum of machines and the chatter of woodworkers fades away, replaced by the sound of cleaning equipment and careful maintenance. This monthly ritual ensures that the woodshop stays safe, functional, and enjoyable for everyone who uses it.…

Women’s Club January Luncheon

Lorie Stockton Our speaker at our January luncheon scheduled for Jan. 6, 2025, will be Ann Patterson. Ann was born in Wichita Falls, Texas, and she graduated from John H. Reagan High School. She attended the University of Texas, graduating in 1977 with a Bachelor of Science degree in aerospace engineering, with specialty fields of…