Garden Club News

Nancy Finley More than 50 Garden Club members enjoyed a chartered bus trip to the Dallas Arboretum on Oct. 21. The Arboretum was decorated for fall with pumpkins galore. There were too many to count, and they even wore cowboy hats! Only in Texas! The weather was perfect. Small groups toured the gardens and met…

The Rollin’ Ranchers Car Club

The Rollin’ Ranchers Car Club held its fall cruise around the Ranch on a glorious fall afternoon. Twenty-nine cars took part in the event, which took us from the center of the development to the east and then over to the west side. The club was amazed at how many residents were sitting outside watching…

Shared Talents Are the Best Talents

Sandi Price And Lucy Rees has a lot of talents to share. Her real expertise is working with wool and hand sewing, but occasionally she teaches mini classes to those who really want to learn one of her techniques or talents. Her latest teaching project is the hand-sewn pentagon decorative ball.