Motorcycling back in time in historic Granbury

  Scott Baker Wanting to get some asphalt underneath our tires and escape our busy (retirement) schedules, the RR Motorcycle Club hit the road traveling to Granbury, known as the jewel of the Brazos River Valley. Founded in 1866, it has a lot of history to share, making it the perfect weekend get-away. The town’s…

A reel sport fishing for Red Snapper

Vicki Baker Vacationers don’t just go to Galveston for the sandy beaches and warm waters. They come to catch red snapper, one of the true gems of Texas deep sea fishing. Heavily concentrated in areas within 20 to 40 miles off the coastline, they are one of the most popular game fish in the Gulf…

Medicine Park – Perfect cure for the itch to ride

Scott Baker Kick starting our engines, 13 members of the RR Motorcycle Club embarked on a two-day road trip into southwestern Oklahoma cruising along stunning stretches of scenic highway with the wind in our faces making it the perfect motorcycling trek. Nestled alongside the Wichita Mountains, the Wichita Mountains Scenic Byway showcases awe-inspiring scenery of…

The Fallen Arches

Dennis Behm Three members of the Robson Ranch Fallen Arches Hiking Club were met by beautiful early morning skies on July 5. Char Niemi, Susan Hebert and Denny Behm were there to hike Loop 4 of the Knob Hills Trail. The moderately difficult Knob Hills Trail is located north of Roanoke on Army Corps of…