After Schoolers Kick Off the New Year

Nancy Burns The After Schoolers greeted the teachers and staff of Borman Elementary School and LaGrone Academy with cold drinks and snacks as they prepared their classrooms and lessons for the new school year. Our club’s mission is to provide uplifting support to the teachers and staff at these local schools throughout the school year.…

Women’s Club Joined the 4th of July Parade!

Gayle Coe The Robson Ranch Women’s Club had a great time participating in the Robson Ranch 4th of July Parade. President Lisa Olson and Chris Anderson (membership) coordinated the efforts to decorate the float. In addition, Sally Baggot coordinated the golf cart line-up. Many Women’s Club members decorated their golf carts, while other members carried…

A Great Walk in a Great Parade

La Donna Womochel Family and friends came together to ride, walk, and carry Voices United club banners in the 2024 RR 4th of July Parade! With enthusiasm, spirit, and smiles, all those involved waved their American flags to the crowd along the parade route. Those participating enjoyed a cart decorating party on July 3 in…

PUSH—Persevere UNTil Success Happens

La Donna Womochel PUSH is a marvelous support program for students with lived experience in foster care at the University of North Texas. During the monthly club meeting, the members of Voices United were privileged to hear the details of what this program does for students who have aged out of the foster care system…

Voices United Members Talk with Our Hands

Vicki Baker On March 12, 1990, over 1,000 disability rights activists marched from the White House to the U.S. Capitol demanding passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which had stalled in Congress. To illustrate the barriers people with disabilities faced every day, over 60 activists cast aside their wheelchairs and crutches and began…

Ladies and Gentlemen: Let’s Get Steppin’!

Mary Ann Bane You read correctly—that’s Steppin’, as in Step Aerobics! Most of you will recall the ‘90s craze. Well, it’s back and offered here at the Ranch by our very own Pat Masters. Pat Masters greets every class with energy and contagious enthusiasm. Class starts promptly to the sound of upbeat music, and then…