Girls on Wheels’ French Journey

Nancy Burns Girls on Wheels journeyed all the way over to the home of Jarri Bunde in Harvest in Northlake. Our quest was to learn more about baking from scratch and actually make croissants. First, we donned our aprons, which Jarri provided. Jarri had all the ingredients ready. It is amazing how much butter goes…

BBQ Pitmasters—Smokers & Grillers

Dave Parker Even with two members missing, the age old saying holds true: “The BBQ feast must go on!” The BBQ Pitmasters—Smokers and Grillers meet about every other month to share a BBQ feast. This month it was John and Marlene McNemar’s time to host. The host gets to pick the main entrée, and John…

How Long?

Ed Jones We recently lost one of our own. The agony of that loss reminded me of what a friend of mine wrote at the death of his wife of more than 30 years: The words of the writer of this Psalm become our words: “How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever? How…

We Love a Parade!

Cynthia Drury Fellowship At The Ranch Church members joined in the Robson Ranch 4th of July Parade. They gathered together on the morning of July 3 for a golf cart decorating party and lunch. There was wonderful fellowship as people teamed up to add red, white, and blue decorations to each of the golf carts.…