Woodshop Prioritizes Safety with Advanced Table Saw Technology

Lorraine Wilson At the Robson Ranch Woodshop, safety isn’t just a guideline—it’s a priority. Recognizing the inherent dangers of woodworking tools, particularly table saws, the Woodshop has made significant investments to ensure the well-being of its members. With their precise, high-speed circular blades, table saws top the list of potential hazards, capable of inflicting severe…

Rock & Roll Martini Group Rocks Summer

Dave Parker With the temperature soaring, the house band (host) for the July meeting of the Rock & Roll Martini Group was Susan and Barry Joyce. It was a summer bash featuring a smorgasbord of food. Susan also rolled out some outstanding frozen berry desserts for the Rockers (members) and guests. Susan and Barry had…

Genealogy Notes

Dian Darr On July 16 at the regular meeting of the Robson Ranch Genealogy Club, members heard an interesting presentation by well-known genealogist Sandra Crowley. She gave us many ideas on how city directories provide valuable information on our ancestors, including the time and place where they lived. Using directories can give us information on…