Living Well Volunteer Fair

Marie R. Milleage Pam Milam, Manager of Volunteer Services, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Denton, the featured speaker at the January Volunteer Fair presented to a packed audience an inspiring and motivating talk about volunteerism as it benefits recipients and volunteers. She shared a delightful anecdote about a volunteer who is committed to fulfilling her position…

Rough Riders Night Out

“Play Ball” is heard by a group of 52 Robson men several times during the baseball season from April until the middle of August. The “AA” Frisco Rough Riders is an affiliate of the Texas Rangers, which plays seven other minor league teams. It’s a first class ball park. Check the park out at…

New Year’s Resolutions come true at Robson Ranch Library

The iPad table had lots of customers. Was it because Santa delivered new iPads or was it that cute young librarian who knew everything about downloading digital materials? Rebecca Ivey, Denton librarian, Clyde Roberts, Barbara Roberts, Gloria Baer and Trudie Sammann

Linda Terry, Robson Ranch Library Coordinator Denton Library help sessions sponsored by the Robson Ranch Library Board provide help to residents who vowed to go digital in 2017 and take advantage of free digital library materials available to Robson residents. The next digital help session is planned for March. Watch HOA announcements for the date…

Living Well Walkabout greets Old Man Winter

Walkers making “living well” a part of their monthly routine

Vicki Baker The “burrrrrrr” factor was in full force on a cold, overcast and blustery Saturday morning, but as the morning progressed the clouds cleared and the day was fabulous for the walkabout. The Living Well walkers took to the streets bundled up in coats, scarves and caps. They soon learned nothing gets the feet…