Editorial deadline changes this holiday season

Chelsea Johnson The holidays are almost upon us! Since the editorial deadlines are so close to Thanksgiving and Christmas, we are moving them up. Please have all editorial submitted by 4:00 p.m. on November 22 (for the December issue). Be sure to mark your calendars now! If you have any questions about submission guidelines, please…

Tuesday Tasters celebrate birthdays with Chardonnay

The birthday boys

Janie Farnsworth Tuesday, September 20, ushered in two birthdays. We were hosted by John and Jane Thompson. John Thompson and Bob Jones celebrated their birthdays that evening. We won’t tell everyone how old. The Thompsons chose Chardonnay for the evening’s theme. Five different wines were brought, of course concealed in foil. We had a tie…

African American Social Group critiques film

Marie Milleage Members of the African American Social Group Book Club met at the Roanoke CineMark to critique the film, The Light Between Oceans. A comparison was made to the book by the same name that was read and discussed earlier this year. The theme of several opposites presented itself in the plot and created suspense…

Singles Book Drive

Dorothy pointer presents the gift to Cook Children’s Hospital staff. Jillian Mitchell, Community Program Coordinator, expressed her written thanks for the gift.

The Robson Ranch Singles Club just completed another of its periodic community service projects to benefit deserving groups in the local community. This time the subject was books and creative supplies. The project was led by Dorothy Pointer assisted by Jackie Drain and Janice Ritchie. Singles collected and contributed 247 books, 17 activity books, four…

Latest News From New Home Sales

Although in the midst of summer months, the new homes sales team at Robson Ranch is doing great! In total for the month of August there were seventeen new home buyers! Greet the new neighbors! There were ten closings for the month of August. Show a warm welcome by making time to grab a bite…

It’s Greek to me

Members of La Dolce Vino

Mala Bowdouris It’s Greek to Me was the theme for La Dolce Vino wine tasting club at the home of George and Mala Bowdouris on September 14 where members brought Greek wines. Greek music played while George discussed the attributes of Greek wines. Members brought both red and white wines. The winning wine was Dionysos…