It is Six O’clock Somewhere

Left to right: Joe Bono, Lori Slocum, Janelle Roth, Tom Roth, Linda Bono, Cheryl Lubojacky, Nancy Anderson, Janice Brown, Ray Lubojacky, Barbara Geiser, Ken Brown, Gary Geiser, Ken Arthur, Mary Arthur, FC LeVrier and Rosie LeVrier

The “It Is Six O’clock Somewhere” wine club met early on the 4th of July to enjoy the parade and festivities! We all agreed that it is great to live in a community filled with such enthusiasm for our great country and those who serve to protect us!

Kiwanis Club tees off for charity

Families chipping in for charity

Vicki Baker The sun was shining, the atmosphere was lively and the fun was everywhere. It was the perfect day to get out the clubs and play a round of golf and at the same time help local charities. The Kiwanis Club Grandparent/Grandchild Golf Outing was held on June 25 at Robson Ranch’s Wildhorse Golf…

Let the Olympic games begin

Vicki Baker It’s that time of year again to strut your stuff at the Living Well Senior Olympic Games! The games feature 20 sporting or wellness events. The multi-sport athletic competitions promote health, physical fitness and improved quality of life and are suitable for all ages and physical abilities. Official game day is Saturday, September…