SOT volunteers are rewarded

SOT shoppers loading up for troop care packages

Mike Hoernemann With waving flags and decorated floats, Robson residents demonstrated their patriotic fervor during the annual July 4 parade. One group of residents were also thinking, as they do every day of the year, of their loved ones serving in dangerous and hostile environments thousands of miles from the safe confines of Robson Ranch.…

Ham Radio – Co-existing in a high tech world

Dick Anderson, Ham radio operator, prepared for the next emergency.

Vicki Baker In times of crisis and natural disasters when an emergency without communications can quickly become catastrophic, amateur radio operators (Hams) are ready to step in and connect people and communities. More than 750,000 Hams operate in the U.S. with 24 residing at Robson Ranch. One of those is WYIBH operator Dick Anderson, an…

Featherheads donate to SOT

Left to right: Mike Hoernemann, Doyle Hicks, Roger Wells and Jim Downer

Sam Goodrich The Featherheads made a surprise visit to the monthly Support Our Troops meeting in July. Featherheads spokesman Doyle Hicks, accompanied by fellow Featherheads Roger Wells and Jim Downer, presented new SOT president Mike Hoernemann with a cash donation of $1,221. The Featherheads are a generous, informal group of Robson Ranch golfers who play…

Robson Riders: summertime and the riding is HOT!

Riders at the 4th of July parade

Stan Brein Activities in the club have calmed during the hot summer months. Many members are out of town visiting family and friends or traveling. Midday riding is challenging but can be accomplished with planning and prudence. Hydration is the most important consideration. This should start several hours before you plan to ride and continue…