Amelia named Sigma Chi Sweetheart for July

The Sigma Chi’s and Amelia

Dave Parker The Sigma Chi group held its first meeting at the newly expanded Wildhorse Grill. What a beautiful new grill with an expanded menu and great service! A number of the brothers were traveling or had conflicts for the July meeting. However, Dr. Tom Grooms, a former resident from Robson Ranch, made a special…

Ladies with Hattitude are Hot Hot Hot

Left to right: Lynne Hendren, Cheryl Smith and Marcia Wolf

Jeanne Barger It doesn’t take many Ladies getting together to have a hot time. On July 4 we tried to stay cool while strutting our stuff in the Robson Ranch parade. Marcia Wolf walked the entire parade route and led the way for the beautifully decorated golf cart driven by Cheryl Smith. Our mascot sang…

It is Six O’clock Somewhere

Left to right: Joe Bono, Lori Slocum, Janelle Roth, Tom Roth, Linda Bono, Cheryl Lubojacky, Nancy Anderson, Janice Brown, Ray Lubojacky, Barbara Geiser, Ken Brown, Gary Geiser, Ken Arthur, Mary Arthur, FC LeVrier and Rosie LeVrier

The “It Is Six O’clock Somewhere” wine club met early on the 4th of July to enjoy the parade and festivities! We all agreed that it is great to live in a community filled with such enthusiasm for our great country and those who serve to protect us!