Dance Club rocks to the ’50s

Shimmy, shake and twist to the sound of Rock and Roll

Vicki Baker Come join the Dance Club on July 15 at 7:00 p.m. for a blast-from-the-past event where the 1950s reign supreme. From the music to the fashion, this event will transport you back in time. So practice the hand jive and get ready to slip on your whitest pair of socks or poodle skirt…

Mah Jongg players enjoy 7-day Cruise

Robson Mah Jongg Cruisers, left to right: Raynelle Perkins, Sherry Light, Barbara Warren, Bonnie West, Renee Claytor, Wilna Neill, Carol Stoltz and Mary Metrolis

Mary Metrolis These Robson Mah Jongg players just returned from a seven-day cruise on Royal Caribbean’s Liberty of the Seas. While on board they participated in a Mah Jongg tournament. Congratulations to Raynelle Perkins for winning the day one session and for coming in third overall and to Barbara Warren for placing second in the…

Robson Mentors honored by Denton Schools

Appreciation breakfast at Evers Park Elementary

Dave Parker At the conclusion of the school year the Robson Ranch mentors received many honors and thanks from the Denton School District and schools. Dick Anderson who heads up the school mentors received a special recognition at the Evers Park appreciation breakfast. Dick was honored for all his work over many years to grow…

Tee up for fun at Kiwanis golf outing

There’s no time like “Tee Time”

Vicki Baker The annual Kiwanis Club Grandparent/Grandchild Golf Outing is the perfect excuse to get out your clubs and play a round of golf and at the same time help the charities supported by the Kiwanis Club. Approaching its eighth year the golf event is set to happen at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, June 25,…

African American Social Club

Marie Milleage The African American social group invites all black residents to join us in fellowship and to welcome new homeowners to Robson Ranch. Only one member of the family needs to be black. We hold gatherings at the home of a resident or in a restaurant. We are not a club, religious or political…

Getting high on winning the Kiwanis BINGO way

Trudi Peterson getting that natural “high” from her two Bingo wins

Vicki Baker Bingo has taken the world by storm! And Kiwanis brought that “storm” to Robson Ranch for another fun-filled day of winning big on the afternoon of April 24. But winning is more than lining your pockets with big jackpots. It is the “high” of winning (or coming so close) that signals a thrill…