Robson Ranch and the Argyle Pen-Pal Club

Robson Ranch residents and their third grade pen-pals from Hilltop Elementary School in Argyle

Ellen M. Gilgore Starting in October of 2015 a group of Robson Ranch residents started writing pen-pal letters to 33 third graders at Hilltop Elementary School in Argyle. This continued until the end of May when the final event was a picnic on the patio of the sports center where they excitedly met each other.…

Love letters in the basement

Edith’s Death Certificate

Ed Schmidt When a Robson Ranch resident came into the possession of 170 love letters from the late 1800s that were found in the crawl space of a Philadelphia house, he came to me for help because he knew that I belonged to the Robson Genealogy Club. The letters were written by a woman named…

Kiwanis Club bowls for kids’ sakes

Let’s knock ‘em down for charity!

Vicki Baker The Kiwanis Club Bowling Charity Benefit is coming up, and the only thing bigger than its name will be the fun shared by all! Score big on Saturday, June 25, at Brunswick Zone in Denton (2200 San Jacinto Blvd., behind Golden Triangle Mall) and help support the various children’s charities in Denton serviced…

Senior Paws charity drive

Dick Cecil Robson Ranch Singles Club is pleased to announce that its biannual charity drive, Senior Paws ended on May 22 with a large cash contribution of $1,542 and lots of cat/dog food donations. The donations were delivered on May 23 to the Senior Paws/Meals on Wheels program for Denton County. Needy senior citizens who…

Road Runners expand travel possibilities at 2016 annual meeting

Ready to serve the new travel year: Joyce Frey, Phyllis Ayers, Gayle Coe, Bert Zeitlin, Peggy Crandell Duff, Pat Thompson, Jan Wallace, Susan Hebert and Vicki Baker

Vicki Baker Cruises, wineries, national parks, international cultures, museums, concerts, Broadway productions and more. That’s what you’ll experience on Road Runners sponsored day excursions or multi-day trips. With over 200 in attendance at the Road Runners May 11 annual meeting, 14 exciting adventures were introduced through the club’s travel partners Brandt Travel and Gotta Go…

Robson Riders: Where do you want to go today?

Avery Island, Louisiana is home to Tabasco Sauce.

Stan Brein I believe that question was the theme of the Microsoft’s global campaign in 1994. It probably was borrowed from the Dr. Seuss book, The Places You’ll Go. It’s always fun thinking about the journey ahead. Where will it take me? What will I see? Whom will I meet? It seems that motorcyclists think…