Did somebody say karaoke?

Dee Kurtz The Ranch has the best Karaoke around. This evening was so much fun, and the residents of Robson really make these events festive each time! We encourage everyone to try on Karaoke Nite. If you are new to Robson Ranch join us for the next Karaoke on June 17. Come as you are;…

Meet the author and Ranch resident

The Wormhole Project book cover

Jan Marx Robson Ranch Writers Guild’s co-founder, Carl Smothers, enjoys writing stories that relate to his scientific background. His four novels are The Wormhole Project and MP-1: The Mineral Planet, available on Amazon.com in e-book and paperback. I-Gynoid and The Entity are available on Smashwords.com in e-book. The following is a synopsis of The Wormhole Project, the…

Updates from the library

Library Alert: We need to mention that the HOA is asking all facility spaces to have a sign-in sheet to show use by residents. Thank you to those using our new sign-in sheet! To those unaware of it, please find it on the desk just to your left when entering the library. Donations continue to…

Pet of the Month

Maggie Maggie is owned by Ed and Mary Ahrens who live on Sarasota. “Princess” Maggie is a 22-month old tri-colored Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Being very true to her breed, she is a loving, affectionate, carefree companion who loves a lap to sit on. Maggie has become quite well known around the Sarasota and Ed…

Welcome New Neighbors

Robson Ranch welcomes the following new homeowners to the Ranch: Robert and Ricci Atherton, Robert Becker, Retta Brady, Charles and Nancy Cartwright, Jennie Chiang, Brad and Cynthia Cole, Michael and Bonnie Elliot, Bruce and Cassandra Greetan, Bryce and Diane Hoverter, James and Jill Hupp, Eleanor Johnson, Rita Kosla, Robert and Julia Laderach, Richard and Lois…

Veterans compete in Robson Ranch Horseshoe Championship

Saturday, April 2, was a day of fun in the sun! Twenty-five people gathered to enjoy 16 veterans compete for the honor of Robson Ranch Horseshoe Champions. The results were: Champions: Dick Dauphinias and Alan Reimer Second place: Joey Misiazek and Jerry Wynant Third place: Bob Hall and Jeff Harwell Consolation Champions: Gary Peterson and…