It was Zinfandel night at Tuesday Tasters

April winners Bill and Joyce Marshall

Darlene Lamb Tuesday, April 19, brought good friends together at the home of Bill and Joyce Marshall. Zinfandels were the theme for the evening. Several members were away this month, and while it was a smaller group than usual a good time was had by those of us attending. Three very good Zinfandels, all from…

Pickleballers honor fellow player at memorial tournament

Division A winners, left to right: Jim Lafferty, Jim Richardson, Jerry Killingsworth, Mike Conley, Cassie Richardson and Patrick Claytor

Susan Parker On Saturday, April 23, the Robson Ranch Denton Pickleball Club held a tournament named for a well-liked member who passed last year, the William (Bill) Girdwood Memorial. The format was A, B and CC/C/D divisions with a blind draw for partners. In all 68 players entered, and the weather cooperated spectacularly to give…

Kiwanis Club salutes the Patriot Guard Riders

Patriot Guard Riders ensuring dignity for all the men and women who served our country.

Vicki Baker Old Glory ringed the grave site. Men and women saluted while standing at attention. Dutifully, Taps was played and its mournful notes hung heavy in the air. The flag carriers were not dressed in the traditional garb of a military funeral. Instead, they paired jeans with worn leather vests and shaggy beards with motorcycle…

After Schoolers Club field trip

Left to right: Sue Cousin, Robbie Waits, Marnita Torres, Carol Foley, Karen Herzig, Pat Hamblin and Georgia Speers

The first Saturday in April brought beautiful weather to North Texas, and members of the After Schoolers Club and their friends took advantage of the day. The group of 20 participated in the North Texas Horse Country Tour sponsored by the Denton Visitors Bureau. North Texas has one of the largest and most diverse concentrations…

Honey Bees welcome spring

Janis Peters The Honey Bees celebrated the arrival of spring with a luncheon and a tea cup/saucer gift exchange at the home of Honey Bee Janis Peters. Each tea cup and saucer was a delight, and every Honey Bee enjoyed using her pick during the potluck luncheon and then taking it home. Of course the…