Robson Ranch Dance Club 2016-2017 events

Dancing the night away!

Vicki Baker never misses a chance to dance! Join us for the upcoming dances hosted by the Robson Ranch Dance Club: 2016: April 22 – Evening in Paris with music by DJ Joel Morris July 15 – Rockin’ to the 50s with music by Freddie and the Falcons September 30 – Autumn Moon with music…

Robson Riders ride again!

Stan Brein There are a good number of motorcycle enthusiasts and owners at the Ranch, and it has been a while since there has been any organized group rides and activities. That is not unusual as bikers tend to be independent sorts, and there have been many individual and small group rides. Well we are…

The Wine Stewards enjoy the Championship Game

Left to right: Blind Tasting winners with trophies: Charlene Cottingham, Eileen Whittaker and Linda Sorg

Bernadette Fideli The Big Game is the most watched TV event in U.S. history for the past five years. The two-week lull preceding the actual playoff produces a buildup of hype and anticipation that consumes all. David and Susan Parker capitalized on this frenzy and challenged the Wine Stewards to a “Blind Wine Tasting Championship.”…

Charity offers Food for Thought

Tom Newell sharing his goal to end hunger in Denton County

Vicki Baker “Put me out of business!” That’s what Tom Newell, Chairman of Denton Community Food Center exclaimed to the packed room during the February 4 Kiwanis Club meeting. Clearly no single organization can solve world hunger, but the Food Center definitely plays an integral role fighting hunger by serving 21 cities, towns and communities…

Breast Cancer Support Group

Holding baby goats, back row: Melba Beckham, Nancy Thomas, Cathy Harden; front row: Christine Kidder and Jill SanMiguel

Nancy Thomas Each January the Ft. Worth Stock Show and Rodeo and Susan G. Komen Foundation team up to honor breast cancer survivors by having Pink Night at the Rodeo. Survivors are given free tickets, and a percentage of ticket sales is donated to the Komen Foundation. Rodeo contestants wear pink! Survivors are treated with…

Featherheads donate $1,726 to Support Our Troops

Spokesman Doyle Hicks (front left) and SOT president Chuck Runner (front right) surrounded by Featherheads.

Sam Goodrich There were a lot of smiling faces at the February meeting of Support Our Troops as the Featherheads made one of their largest single donations in history to the charity. SOT president Chuck Runner received the $1,726 donation from Featherhead spokesman Doyle Hicks who was accompanied by a dozen of his fellow Featherheads.…