Paint & Palette Club meeting: Francesca discusses with her members elections and the new year plans.
The Paint & Palette Club recently held its meeting to discuss the upcoming elections for our board, and we discussed some of our plans for 2023.
Following are the upcoming nominations for our board members:
President: Francesca Romano is willing to continue as president of this club; however, any member can be nominated.
Vice President: Carolynn Buchmann is willing to continue as VP.
Secretary: Kathy McMahon is retiring from this position. Judy Sale is willing to take this position.
Treasurer: Joan McDermott is retiring from this position. Pat Heberling is willing to take this position.
I would like to thank my board members for their great work this past year.
I would like to thank my possible new board members and subcommittee members for “stepping up to the plate” for filling these positions.
We discussed our new subcommittees: Graphic Designer: Janet Coddington, Programs Director: Jan Marx, Group Works Director: Christi Upton.
Once-a-month Artistic Critique will continue every second Monday, headed by Judie Smothers.
Further discussion: Artists’ demonstrations and hands-on workshops.
Elections will take place on Monday, Jan. 30. All members’ dues ($10) will be collected at this Jan. 30 meeting.
Our club has elected to hold two exhibitions per year, fall and spring.
We have tabled the Memorial Day lanterns. Future discussion is needed.
Our next exhibition is scheduled in March, with dates to follow. The theme is “Mainly Blue.”
We hope to see you all in the new year at this very important meeting.