After three cancellations and one postponement due to weather, the monthly Pickleball Shootout finally was held on Saturday, December 1. In the shootout format, players switch courts every game, moving up or down depending on results. In addition, partners separate and each teams up with one of the other set of players moving to that court. Every 15 minutes, games are concluded, courts switched and new games started. Typically, six total games are completed, so all players have many different partners and opponents during the event. This time, Christmas cookies were enjoyed by many after play was concluded.
This shootout also marked the first time the Pickleball Club has conducted a special donation occasion, asking players to bring cans of food for a local Food Bank. With 57 players entered, and a few non-competing volunteers, there were over 300 cans collected. Subsequently they were delivered to Vision Ministries in Denton. As usual, Mike Conley did a great job as MC, with able assistance from Mark Kellam and Susan Beggs.