Pilot Knob Rotary at Robson Ranch News

Karen McDaniels

Pilot Knob Rotary is active at Robson Ranch, as well as in our Denton and Northlake communities. We recently welcomed two new members, Pat Henderson and Judy Welton, both residents of Robson.

In August, member Mannix O’Connor hosted our Wine++ event at his home in Denton. In addition to wine, beer, and bourbon, members enjoyed a delicious barbeque dinner.

In September we welcomed visitors Kaylee Bragg and Christina Tang, the president and president-elect of the University of North Texas Rotaract Club. They shared the projects and programs they will be doing during this school year. Any UNT student is welcome to join UNT Rotaract, regardless of where they are from.

Pilot Knob Rotarians also wrapped up our Stock the Food Bank project for the Denton Community Food Bank. Donations came from Rotarians, our Robson neighbors, and the Robson Ranch Pickleball Club, organized by Rotarian Carrie Summers. More than 150 pounds of canned and boxed food was donated.

Robson resident wine drinkers also stepped up to support our Corks for a Cause project. We collected well over 5,000 wine corks, which will be recycled and resold as new products. Proceeds from this event go to support plastic cleanups in Texas rivers, streams, and the Gulf coast. Enough corks were collected to cover the costs of five large clean-ups. Special thanks also go to Steve’s Wine Bar and The Bearded Monk in Denton.

Watch for news of our December blood drive. At our last event, our friends and neighbors made 20 donations with two “double reds” donors. Thank you to the generous Robson Ranch residents.

Pilot Knob Rotary Club meets Fridays at 11:45 a.m. in The Boardroom of the Wildhorse Grill at Robson Ranch. If you are interested in learning more about Rotary, please contact us at [email protected] or visit our website, www.pilotknobrotary.com.