Pilot Knob Rotary Blood Drive (left to right): Jack Kearney, Robson resident donor, Web Bliss
The Pilot Knob Rotary Club provides the Robson community the opportunity to support Carter BloodCare with blood donations throughout the year. At the most recent blood drive on Feb. 3, a record 32 units of blood were donated by Robson and surrounding community residents. These generous contributions provide the potential to serve 88 patients.
According to Carter BloodCare, one in seven patients entering a hospital may need blood, plasma, or platelet transfusions. This ranges from trauma victims to patients battling sickle cell disease or thalassemia, or to ensure a successful organ or bone marrow transplant. Cancer patients use 25 percent of all blood donations, and blood transfusions are needed in one out of every 83 newborn deliveries in America today, a rate that increased by more than 50 percent between 2006 and 2015.
The Pilot Knob Rotary Club thanks each of the current and past donors who contributed to these life-saving efforts. A special thanks to the Robson Ranch Denton HOA for allowing us to host the blood drives.
Mark your calendars now for upcoming blood drives on April 6, June 8, Aug. 31, and Nov. 16.