Pilot Knob Rotary Supports Environment Sustainability Lithium Battery Recycling Project

Did you know?

* Only 17% of consumer electronics are properly disposed of, and electronics are the fastest growing waste stream?

* There is increasing demand for lithium batteries as sales of EVs and consumer electronics continue to rise?

* Some rechargeable devices have a lithium ion battery (think cell phones, electric toothbrushes, shavers, etc.)?

* Environmental impact is reduced through recycling by recovering 85% of lithium and greater than 95% of other materials: cobalt, nickel, manganese, copper, silver, neodymium, aluminum, palladium?

The Pilot Knob Rotary Club (PKRC) is working with Redwood Materials in Nevada to collect rechargeable batteries and devices on April 22 (Earth Day) and April 23. A major collection site will be the Denton County Fairgrounds on April 22 during the Craft Beer Festival. Other collection sites (for rechargeable batteries only) will be available throughout Denton County on both the 22nd and 23nd.

Join us in recycling your old batteries and enjoying a tasty brew on April 22 at the Denton County Fairgrounds.

For more information on the battery recycling program, contact Mike Weaver at [email protected] or visit the PKRC website, www.PilotKnobRotary.com.