The Pink Fling charity event, supporting Women Rock, Inc., and sponsored by the Big Swing’n Band Club, Wildhorse Lady Niners, and Women’s Golf Association, will be on Tuesday, Sept. 12, at the Robson Ranch clubhouse ballroom. Doors open at 6 p.m., and the event begins at 6:30 p.m. You are encouraged to wear something pink in support of breast cancer.
Robson Ranch Big Swing’n Band had the date of Sept. 12 reserved for a dance date at the clubhouse ballroom. The Big Swing’n Band Club was approached by Pink, asking if we would be interested in making the dance event also a charity event. Knowing it was a win-win for both organizations, the Big Swing’n Band Club agreed.
There will be a 50/50 raffle and a dance contest (Twist and Jitterbug) judged by a professional dance instructor. A cash bar will be available, as well as plenty of table seating around the dance floor.
Tickets go on sale at the clubhouse foyer on Monday, Aug. 28; Wednesday, Aug. 30; Friday, Sept. 1; Wednesday, Sept. 6; and Friday, Sept. 8, from 9 to 11 a.m. Pre-event tickets are $15, and tickets sold at the door are $20. All proceeds from the raffle ticket sales and a portion of dance ticket sales will go to Women Rock, Inc.