Polar Bear League

Peggy Puckett

Where do WGA Polar Bears go when they come out of hibernation, even if it’s only for a brief three and a half hours? Well, if the temperature was at least 38 degrees, many of them showed up for a chilly round of golf. From Jan. 7 through Feb. 25, those members of the Polar Bear League who were willing to bundle up and brave the elements competed in the short, eight-week league. Conditions weren’t always the best, but many of the lady golfers were quick to comment, “At least I’m out here swinging a club and enjoying being with like-minded friends.”

The league is one of the RRWGA’s yearly events held to promote the advancement and enjoyment of golf and good sportsmanship here at Wildhorse Golf Club. If you are a resident who is considering becoming a member, you may contact Membership Chair Donna Phillips at [email protected] or stop by the Pro Shop and pick up an application. More information is available on the website rrwga.com.

Our association was chartered in June, 2003, and as of February, 2025, we have 144 members. Our weekly playday is Tuesday. Most ladies follow their round with lunch together in the Grill or on the patio. It is a great way to meet people and make friends.