Dr. Lynn Stucky, District 64 State Representative
Rebecca Bafford
The Robson Ranch Republican Club will meet on Wednesday evening, October 4, with special guest speaker District 64 State Representative Dr. Lynn Stucky. He will give us a report on the past legislative session including the special session in Austin. Representative Stucky will also give his perspective on the performance of the Texas House of Representatives, and a separate report will be offered on the performance of the State Senate. There have been many controversial twists and turns in these two sessions, so members of the audience are invited to take part in a Q and A with Dr. Stucky. All Robson Ranch residents are invited to join us in the Clubhouse at 6:30 p.m. for a social time with the main meeting convening around 7:00 p.m. For more information on all our meetings and pertinent upcoming club events, visit our Facebook page, Robson Ranch Republican Club – Texas.