A few of the attendees with our party’s mascot (photo by Lynne Kelsey)
Lynne Kelsey
On Feb. 11 the Robson Ranch Republican Club set a new record. At the annual Denton County Republican Party’s Lincoln Reagan dinner, we showed up and did it in a big way! In the past, we usually had two to three tables, but this year we had eight tables, for a total of 64 people, with still more who purchased individual tickets on their own. This dwarfed the contingent from any other organization. We helped raise over $11,000 for the local Republican Party and were able to spread the word about what is going on out at Robson Ranch at an informational table with displays and handouts highlighting examples of club activities.
Texas’ new Secretary of State is our former State Senator, Jane Nelson. She received recognition and appreciation for her many years of service as our senator and spoke to the crowd about election integrity.
Attendees enjoyed a delicious dinner, along with entertaining banter from many of our elected officials. The keynote speaker was Governor Greg Abbott who took the opportunity to outline his goals for this legislative session and vision for our state, which was enthusiastically received by the crowd. He expressed gratitude for the strong support he received in the county and warned of the battles ahead.
The evening was capped off with a presentation by Seth Dillon, the CEO of the satirical website The Babylon Bee, who kept the crowd in stitches as he discussed the importance of humor and freedom of speech and how the two are connected. It was truly an evening of “Life, Liberty, and Laughter”!