Republican Club Members Hear Governor’s Advisor

Machelle Burtless

The Denton County Administrative Courthouse room was packed on July 20 to hear Steve Munisteri, an attorney and advisor to Governor Greg Abbott. A group of interested Robson Ranch Republican Club members was among those in attendance.

Mr. Munisteri highlighted legislation that has passed and has been signed into law by Governor Abbott. He gave figures on the numbers of individuals and businesses moving to this state and indicated that Texas has the ninth largest economy in the world and also discussed current legislative issues, including immigration and the federal roadblocks Texas runs into when trying to secure our border. It was a very informative evening.

The event was one in a series of speaker events held by the Denton County GOP. The next session will be held sometime in September, speaker and date to be announced. These events are open to the public but do require prior registration with the Denton County Republican Party. The Robson Ranch Republican Club will post the details on our website as soon as they are finalized.