Joining the Republican Club is easy at the membership table.
Lynne Kelsey
The word has gotten out: The Republican Club is the place to be! Since July 1, our membership has soared to nearly 600 conservative Texans, an increase of approximately 100 in just two months. Membership Chair Bill Jenke and his committee have manned a table in the clubhouse hallway Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings and will continue to do so into the fall. Our new members have brought fresh ideas to the organization, allowing for expanded activities and innovative procedures. Thanks to the efforts of David Laschinger and the Tech Committee, we will soon have a dedicated Robson Ranch Republican Club website where members will be able to find the latest club information, check the calendar for committee meetings and events, and discover volunteer opportunities. As we lead up to the all-important November election, communication is key, and the Executive Board has made that a top priority. Watch for updates soon!
Vice President Suzan Kardong-Edgren has worked to assure that every meeting has a program that makes your attendance worthwhile, and that was true again in September with two speakers from the Denton County Republican Party. First Vice Chair and Victory Election Leader Fred Rogers gave a tutorial on the correct way to fill out an absentee ballot—we want every vote to be properly counted! County Chairman Brent Hagenbuch then spoke about the “science” of political science, focusing on the analytics used to direct campaigning. Members enjoyed another informative meeting that helped keep us in the loop on local election strategies.
At the Oct. 5 meeting, in addition to presentations by Congressman Michael Burgess on the state of the country and City Councilman Jesse Davis on the recall effort, members will be treated to the First Annual Robson Ranch Republican Club Bake America Great Again Cookie Competition! Competitors were able to sign up at the September meeting, and their baked creations will be judged by our local dignitaries in October. No snacking allowed, though. All cookies will be sold through a silent auction, and you’ll have to wait until you’re outside the clubhouse to enjoy your purchases. Style and presentation will count, so dig out your best recipe and bring two dozen for the auction and six more for the judges to sample (which is being allowed by special arrangement with the club). We’ll be having fun while helping to keep Texas red!