Newly elected Board, left to right. First row: Susan Hebert, Bert Zeitlin, Peggy Crandell, Pat Thompson, Joyce Frey; second row: Dave Parker, Sherry Light, Maitland Dade, Phyllis Ayers, Edward Barnett, Jan Wallace. Gayle Coe was absent from the photo.
Maitland Dade and Peggy Crandell
Our Road Runner evening was well attended, with more than 250 members hearing about the Road Runner future travel calendar. In celebration of 12 years of fun-filled group trips, we socialized with our fellow members over delicious nibbles, cake and libations.
Brandt Travel, Coleen and Gary, along with their staff Insight Vacations and Viking Cruises representatives presented the highlights of two of our future trips: Grand European Tour River Cruise and Capture The Dream Scotland/Ireland Land Tour. Gotta Go Tours representative Birona Assad shared an overview of the upcoming short trips and day events: Dinner at Cross Timbers Winery/Grapevine Opry Show; Motown the Musical at The Winspear Opera House; Painted Churches/Washington County/George H Bush Library two-night/three-day trip; and Kinky Boots at Bass Hall followed by dinner at Chef Pointe.
The business meeting was called to order, and committee reports were presented. The current board was recognized and thanked for their service. Peggy Crandell recognized Rich Dinkins for filing tax documents for our club. Next on the agenda was election of the board members for 2015/2016. Dave Loomis, chairman of the nominating committee, introduced and thanked Susan Hebert, David Laschinger, Judy Loomis and Pearlie Owens for their service. He then presented the slate of candidates to the membership as follows: President, Peggy Crandell; VP and Director of Travel, Gayle Coe; Director of Finance, Susan Hebert; Director of Records and Membership, Pat Thompson; Director of Communications and Marketing, Maitland Dade; Event Planners, Jan Wallace, Phyllis Ayers, Dave Parker and Sherry Light.
The general membership voted to elect the slate as presented. Peggy Crandell then announced and introduced Edward Barnett and Joyce Frey who will serve as appointed members at large for the coming year.
Many, many door prizes from our club, Brandt Travel, Viking, Insight and Gotta Go Tours were given away throughout the evening. When the meeting was adjourned, members signed up for many of the upcoming trips and events. We’re off to another great year! Join us at the theatre, on a bus trip, cruising on the river or an ocean voyage.
To see the fine work of our travel committee, view this next year’s offerings on our website: rrrrclub.com. We’re on the go! Beep Beep!