Attending and pictured clockwise: Sherry Hansel, Kathy Todd, Cheryl Lubojacky, Linda Venable, Donalee Hallenbeck, Megan Weigand, Karin McMahon, Donna Lepore, Pat Bender, Mary Sullivan, Denise Switzer, Sondra Hall, Gloria Baer and Melodye Rogers; no pictured is Dawn Dias.
Linda Venable
If you are not a fan of HGTV you may not know who Chip and Joanna Gaines are. In many ways they have put Waco, Texas on the national map. Their television show, Fixer Upper, has been a huge draw for Waco, bringing tourism to a new level there. Each day Waco residents witness lines to enter the now famous Magnolia Market.
Tour groups such as Gotta Go Tours by Patti take buses full of people to visit the Gaines’ shops, drive through the town to see other sites and even drive a bit to view the outside of the new Magnolia House. I say outside because there is no availability to rent for even a couple of nights as they are booked up through 2016, and lookers can’t disturb the guests!
On Tuesday, June 7, the Robson neighborhood group known as SoLo Ladies along with a few other friends made such a trip. Patti had designed a whole day of fun in Waco starting with the Magnolia Market. A number of the ladies made purchases! While there we availed ourselves of the many food trucks for lunch. Next we did some more shopping at another venue in Waco, visited the Magnolia House and drove through some of the neighborhoods in Waco. One last stop before dinner was the shop of Harp Designs owned by Clint Harper. He is a regular on the show!
Dinner was very unique. It was a catered affair set up at the award winning Cameron Zoo. We saw few animals as they had been put to bed, but the food was good, the company outstanding and the sun was warm on our skin.
All in all the ladies had a wonderful time!