Guest speaker Dave Siefker
Irene Manning
The Catholic Club of Robson Ranch met on Tuesday, January 12, at 7:00 p.m. at the lovely home of Margaretha Kortschak. Our guest speaker was Dave Siefker from Stephen Ministry at St. Mark Catholic Church. Dave told us a little about himself and having been a part of the military police in the U.S. Army, and how he became involved in Stephen Ministry after he became a parishioner at St. Mark Catholic Church. To take part in Stephen Ministry you must love God, love Christ with your whole heart and love people. Primarily you must learn to be a good listener. There are five types of care: crisis care, follow-up care (one-to-one), Christian care (spiritually focused), preventive care and supportive care. One must be compassionate, faith-filled, loving and caring. For more information go to www.stephenministry.org.
After the presentation there were lots of wonderful snacks and time to visit and share with members of the group. It turned out to be a very informative and enjoyable evening.