Robson Ranch Drama Club’s Production Highlights

Mary Ornberg

After play selection, auditions, and months of rehearsals, the curtain came up and the Robson Ranch Drama Club dazzled and entertained over 250 Robson Ranch residents, friends, and family members. The audience enthusiasm triggered the actors into high gear. Laughter was heard throughout the clubhouse.

The first event was “Fair,” by Tor Alexander Valenza, starring Mary Fabian doing a monologue. This was followed by St. Peter/Paula, the Processor, by Tor Alexander Valenza, with Michelle Boscoe and Doug Akins. Next was another monologue, “It All Started Like This, Officer,” by Tor Alexander Valenza, performed by Don Taylor. Then the play by Tor Alexander Valenza titled Uptown #9 Tanya with the Macy’s Bag, directed by Deb Deverich and featuring Tony Kura and Becky Frusher, with Don Taylor as the conductor, was produced for your enjoyment. The final play, A Will to Murder, by Bob Naquin, directed by Doug Akins, was performed by Tom Gunther, Alan Stark, Grace Jenkins, Shirley Waterhouse, Vicki Parr, Lisa Locke, Kathy Jacobs, and Belynda Figueriedo. Support behind the scenes was provided by Barbara Cummins, Katherine Vess, Jerry Jenkins, Donna French, Jeff Klotzman, Linda Westin, Janet Carr, Gail Kohn, Lee Figueriedo, Ronda Gunther, and Julia Grier.

If you are interested in seeing what the Drama Club is all about, behind the scenes or on stage, please attend our meeting held on the second Thursday of each month, or email President Mary Ornberg at [email protected].