The Robson Ranch Tennis Club hosted the first 2019 event on April 27, 2019. ‘Sundaes on Saturday’, a fun tennis tournament followed by an ice cream social, was held in the Robson Ranch Ramada. Tennis club president Jerry Nissen reported that everyone attending had a great time with the friendly competition and scrumptious sundaes! Eddie and Janet Salvo, co-event chairs, were instrumental in planning and managing the event, which was attended by members of the tennis club and their guests. Other tennis club members stepped up to assist in making the event run smoothly.
The next tennis club event, ‘Spring Fling,’ is set to be held on Saturday, May 18, 2019; it will start at noon, barring any weather issues. This event will again feature a fun tennis rotation tournament format followed by food at the home of Joan and Darrell Smith.
Dues to join the tennis club are $10 per year and can be submitted to club treasurer Jayne Gornik by dropping a check with your contact information into the tennis club mailbox just inside the side door of the Cimarron Sports Club. Tennis activities at Robson Ranch include regularly scheduled drop in tennis for all levels, check the Robson website or bulletin board in the Ramada for the schedule of times. For more information, please contact any of the tennis club officers and the contact information is also listed on the Robson HOA website and posted on the Ramada bulletin board.