KD Rutherford
Our entertainment for the February program will be at the Theatre Denton. The Denton Theatre serves as one of the oldest community theaters in the North Texas area. They will bring us Love on Broadway. From the amazing actors and singers of Denton’s premier theatre, we will enjoy showtunes and dance numbers celebrating love. There will also be a raffle for tickets to a show at Theatre Denton!
The February luncheon will be a buffet of chicken piccata, spaghetti, Italian salad (romaine, black olives, pepperoncini, tomato, red onion, cucumber, parmesan), Italian and ranch dressing, and garlic knots, with red velvet cake for the dessert.
Luncheon checks are due by Monday, Jan. 27, at 8 a.m. Deposit your $19 luncheon check in the Sports Center, Women’s Lounge, in the white mailbox. You can also pay for the luncheon through PayPal. Check our website at www.rrwomensclub.org. The charity for the February luncheon is Denton County Friends of the Family.
During the December business meeting, we learned that the Women’s Club now has 530 members. Speaking of membership, it is time to renew. Membership dues are $20 (payable to RRWC) and are good until the end of 2025. Please note: Your membership check should be separate from the luncheon check.
The new 2025 Robson Ranch Women’s Club board members were introduced by President Donna Deboever: Chris Anderson, President-Elect; Lisa Olsen, Past President; Pam Franks, Secretary; Nancy Nix, Treasurer; Sallie Wasson, VP Membership; Deborah Deverich, VP Programs; Candace Anderson, Luncheon Coordinator; Sandra Mankowich, Parliamentarian. Additionally, we would like to recognize the appointed board: Bonnie Busboom, Hospitality; KD Rutherford, Publicity; Suzanne Spisak, Co-Community Outreach; Dianna Duncan, Co-Community Outreach; Lorie Stockton, Ways & Means; Mary Lynn Church, Ways & Means; Shirley Monge, Sunshine; Dee Sico, Special Events; Bert Zeitlin, Webmaster; and Gayle Lee, Welcome.
We have an upcoming special event on Feb. 13 at 1 p.m. Register now for the Chocolate & Wine Bus Tour—a Valentine’s gift just for you! We will visit four chocolate venues, with chocolate tastings and lots of wine along the way. For more information, please email Dee Sico at [email protected].
Save the Date! Mary Lynn Church, Ways & Means, announced that the Robson Ranch Women’s Club Home and Garden Show will be held on Saturday, March 15, from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Proceeds will benefit the Children’s Advocacy Center for North Texas. Look for more information regarding volunteer opportunities.
At the December luncheon, the club was entertained by the Robson Ranch Little Swing’n Band. The band was conducted by Spike Evans, with Michelle Brandt as the vocalist. There was a lot of toe-tapping and finger-snapping as we listened to jazzy Christmas music. Also, a big shout-out to all the table hostesses and their beautiful arrangements.