KD Rutherford
Dianna Duncan announced that, today, $635 was raised for Denton County Friends of the Family. These funds will go toward the Pathways program. Pathways is the year-round program that accompanies Camp Hope and brings youth back together for community and mentorship through monthly activities based on science, technology, engineering, and math; post-secondary education; and career exploration. The Share the Blessing lunch certificate was won by Sherry Eason.
Suzanne Spisak and Dianna Duncan met with all six charities in the last two weeks, and Community Outreach is excited to offer women the opportunity to help our designated charities through cash and in-kind donations and volunteer events throughout 2025. Information was shared in the red folders regarding Pathways, and donations can be made by using the QR code.
April 22 is our next Day of Caring.
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