Jeff Klotzman emcees the Robson Ranch Red Raiders Club Trivia Night.
Don Roberts
Who knows the name of the fountain in the Texas Tech University Memorial Circle? Who knows how long the victory bells ring after a Red Raiders victory? Who knows the official name of the band that plays at TTU basketball games? Turns out, all who attended the first-ever Robson Ranch Red Raiders Trivia Night now know these answers and many more!
Members of the Robson Ranch Red Raiders Club enjoyed Trivia Night at the Wildhorse Grill on Feb. 20. Master of Ceremonies Jeff Klotzman presented 60 questions to the group, which centered around Texas Tech items of interest, Texas Tech history, little-known TTU facts, and famous Texas Tech alumni. Drawings were held for door prizes, and the night’s winners received cash prizes. Thanks to Linda Stevens, Jeff Klotzman, Marcie Roberts, Debbie Wegman, and Lisa Miller for coordinating such a great evening.
The Robson Ranch Red Raiders Club is a way for alumni, family, and friends of Red Raiders to get together for social activities here on the Ranch. Everyone is welcome to participate, and there is no cost to join.
To become a member of the RR Red Raiders Club and receive emails and event invitations, email Debbie Wegman at [email protected].