On April 16, the Republican Club had its first in person meeting in 2021. Seeing all the updates at the clubhouse and finally socializing with other members of the club was a real treat! That night was a Denton ISD Candidate Forum. Questions were submitted prior to the meeting, as well as from the audience during the meeting. Members walked away feeling more informed about these candidates.
New officers were voted in to their positions without objection. They are Olive Morton, president; Julie Bailey, vice president; Katherine Vess, treasurer; and Paul Vicalvi, secretary.
Our annual Spring Banquet with guest speaker Ross Perot, Jr. was May 5 in the Ballroom of the Clubhouse.
The Mission of the Robson Ranch Republican Club is to inform and educate members and residents about how to become positively involved in the American political system. Our mission also includes information and education about how Republican Conservative values benefit America’s economy, families, and opportunities for all.
If you are interested in becoming a member, we meet the first Wednesday of the month (September through May) at the Clubhouse. The club’s membership consists of residents of Robson Ranch, Denton, who believe in, and support, the ideals and principles of the Republican Party. These members hold the privilege of voting and holding office. Current dues for members are $10 per person, payable in September of each year and are valid for one year. You may contact Katherine Vess at [email protected] or 940-262-3239, or any of the officers for more information.