Dave Parker
The house band (host) for the December Rock & Roll Martini Group was Trish and Henry Moore. Trish and Henry have hosted a number of Christmas parties in the past, and they did not disappoint this year. A new twist was added this year with the awarding of prizes for the ugliest Christmas wear. Winning this year were Rockers Jim Richardson for ugliest Christmas wear and Deb Nortunen for most original.
Rockin’ Christmas music was playing in the background. Rocker Larry Nortunen led the group for one Christmas carol. Trish and Henry served up pulled pork for the hungry group. The Rockers (members) and guests filled in with appetizers and desserts. Two Christmas-themed martinis were served up in the designated martini glasses. It was a Rockin’ Christmas party.
No martini glasses or screen doors were harmed at the party. Until next month, Rock On!