The Ho-Ho-Hosts with Santa (photo by Celia Hall)

Carol Solow and Bert Zeitlin in Christmas colors (photo by Celia Hall)
Celia Hall
As the temperatures soared outside, it was the perfect time to meet and chill at the Grill. Rosemary Weinstein, Peggy Backes, and Sandy Hestes decorated the room in true Christmas style with nutcrackers, elves, and décor. We were dressed in red and green and other holiday finery so we could be recognized by Queen Pat.
To start the event, we were given large jars and a line of all the ingredients to assemble a yummy and hearty chicken macaroni soup to take home as a gift. Our luncheon was salad, chicken salad, crescent roll, and the same soup recipe made by our wonderful chef. Bert Zeitlin gave us an impromptu demonstration on how to fold a napkin into a Christmas tree. Now, if only we can remember how to do it again in December! Then, what to my wondering eyes should appear, but Santa in shades and shorts and without his reindeer! Up from Florida (where he apparently vacations in the off-season), he kindly took pictures with each of the guests and led us in singing “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town” before heading out with a wave of his hand and a stroll out the door.