Theresa L. Peoples, Co-VP Programs
October 15, 2018 turned out to be one of the coldest and wettest days of the year, but 22 of the RR Garden Club members dressed warmly and went to the Dallas Arboretum for a pleasant treat. There were over 9,000 pumpkins and gourds decorating the grounds and lots of beautiful mums of different colors, blooming ivies, calla lilies, dahlias and many other plants to please the eye! We had the whole Dallas Arboretum to ourselves; many enjoyed wandering and taking photographs. We huddled in a warm event room for our box lunches and later we got on our warm bus and were back home on the Ranch by 2:30 p.m.
Next month, our November 19 program will feature Marilyn Blanton, a long-time member of the Native Plant Society of Texas and a Texas Master Naturalist. Marilyn and her husband, Jim, and their little dog and cats live in Argyle. She loves the outdoors and learning about nature. She is especially interested in plants, birds, insects and photography. Marilyn will demonstrate making table centerpieces from nature, things we can find in our yards and outdoors in our surrounding areas. Please be sure to take notes because we will have an opportunity for all our creative gardeners to make centerpieces from what we learn from Marilyn for our December luncheon tables. Mark your calendars for 10:30 a.m. on Monday, November 19 in the Lone Star Room.
Looking ahead to December 17, we will be having our meeting/luncheon in the Lone Star Room at 10:30 a.m. with a buffet luncheon of Caesar salad, angel hair pasta, chicken piccata, garlic bread, tea and coffee and hot peach cobbler; there will be a gluten free option provided as well. There will also be a wine cart for anyone wishing to purchase a glass of RR wine. Before the buffet we will have a brief meeting. We will walk around and vote on the best natural centerpiece, and who knows, there may be another game to test our brains! We will be needing a head count for the luncheon so please be sure to contact VP programs chairs, Theresa Peoples 214-577-4616 or Lori Slocum 940-262-0230.