Left to right: Glenn Headley, MGA Vice President and Captain of the Blue Team; David Thatcher, Wildhorse Golf Club Head Golf Professional; and Joe Cooper, MGA President and Captain of the White Team.
Steve Pettigrew
The RRMGA sponsored the 2016 Wildhorse Cup on July 8, 9 and 10. This match is a team play tournament patterned largely after the Ryder Cup. The White Team was captained by MGA President Joe Cooper and the Blue Team by MGA Vice President Glenn Headley. The Blue and White Teams consisted of A, B, C and D players, with the same number in each class on each team. Handicaps as of July 1 were used for the tournament, and at the selection party on July 6 the captains selected players in turn from each group. With the teams selected, the captains set the pairings for the first day of the event.
The format for play was as follows: Day 1, Best Ball, Low Net on each hole with full course handicaps; Day 2, 9 Holes Alternate Shot and 9 Holes Scramble; and Day 3, Singles Play, lower handicap playing “scratch” while opponent playing to the difference in handicaps.
The golf course and weather were great and the competition fierce but friendly. Ultimately the White Team captained by Joe Cooper won the event at a final score of 27 to 25. Three days of fine golf, food, drinks and friendship were celebrated.
For more information on the RRMGA, please visit our website at www.rrmga.com.