RRWGA news

Linda Farmer

It seems like the only WGA news this year has been about the weather. From wind to snow to floods, our golfing days have been few and far between in 2015. We’ve had many more “rain outs” than play days. On April 24 we received over five inches of rain. There were actually rapids running through the environmentally sensitive area so we almost needed kayaks or canoes. Hopefully May will bring more sunshine, and we’ll get to dust the rust off our clubs.

May also brings the Match Play Tournament. Teams consisting of six ladies and two men will compete against each other in this two-day Rider Cup format event. Players are always eager to attend the pairings party to find out who their teammates are and what color shirt they need. Watch for tournament results next month.

In Memorium

Our golfing family has lost two very special members in the last six months. Just before Christmas and a few weeks shy of her 92nd birthday, Lucy Walker passed away. On March 16 we lost Charlene Hodson. Both of these ladies were avid golfers and were loved by all who had the pleasure of knowing them. They are greatly missed by family and friends.