David Laschinger
In our younger years we were faced with the challenges of raising a family, paying bills and staying employed. When we moved into this beautiful “Active Adult” community we may have thought life’s challenges would diminish or be less severe. Whether still employed or retired, the struggles of life have continued for many of us. The challenges have likely morphed into something different, but they haven’t gone away. For Christians the Bible provides the foundation for dealing with the never-ending trials in life’s journey. Many have realized they can’t make the journey alone.
Rain or shine, a group of Christian men gather at 8 o’clock on Saturday mornings for fellowship, Bible study, prayer and support during this phase of life’s journey. The attendance has grown over the years, and the meetings are now hosted concurrently in two homes: one east of Robson Boulevard and one on the west side. The studies vary in format. Sometimes the group will watch a video and then discuss its message. Other times a book and chapter of the Bible is discussed in detail.
The 90-minute meetings help us refresh and renew as we learn about God’s love for us through Jesus Christ. Attendees represent many denominations but all share the same foundation—the Holy Word of God.
Equally important is what happens when the meetings close each Saturday and we return to our normal activities. We are bound together as “brothers” in service to each other, helping, counseling and providing support in many ways. The group also donates funds to a variety of worthwhile causes in the immediate area.
For information about the men’s Bible study, contact Fran Chupp at 940-262-1022, Scott Wilson at 940-262-7706, or Randy Brewer at 940-262-0242.
There is no membership, no forms to fill out, no dues and no intimidation. Newcomers are always welcome. You can become part of either group just by opening the door at one of our meetings and joining us. Don’t forget your Bible.